Fall Farce “Funny Money” Opens at the Lofte
Manley, NE [September 27, 2016] - The Lofte Community Theatre in Manley announces that its decades-long tradition of showcasing a Fall farce continues this year with Ray Cooney’s hilarious comedy, “Funny Money.” The show opens on Saturday, October 15.
Henry Perkins, a mild-mannered CPA has found a briefcase full of cash. Assuming that it’s ill-gotten booty, Henry rushes home to grab his wife and two one-way tickets to Barcelona. But, poor Henry is soon beset by not one, but two police detectives investigating unrelated crimes; one involving a dead body thought to be Henry. With the help of his wife and well-meaning neighbors, Henry begins to weave a steady stream of lies that soon spin out of control. His seemingly fortuitous find soon has Henry and his friends rushing down a path of utter chaos.
Starring in the production is Erik Quam of Louisville. His wife is played by Brandy (Palatas) Hall of Papillion. Jamion Biesterfeld of Louisville and Wendy Allen of Plattsmouth star as the neighbors who are dragged into the fray. Rounding out the cast are Jeff Johnson and Tim Sorensen of Elmwood, Giovanni Quezada of Council Bluffs and Guillermo Rosas of La Vista. “Funny Money” is directed by Kevin Colbert of Weeping Water.
Production dates for the show are October 15, 16, 20-23 and 28-30. Thursday through Saturday productions begin at 7:30pm. All Sunday shows are at 2pm. Tickets are $19 and all seats are reserved. Reservations can be made by calling the theater at (402) 234-2553 or by visiting their website, www.Lofte.org.
Pictured: Erik Quam (front), Brandy (Palatas) Hall, Jamion Biesterfeld and Wendy Allen star in the Lofte’s upcoming Fall farce, “Funny Money” opening on October 15.
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Scandinavian Concert
Greenblatt & Seay's Schoolhouse Performance Series features a concert of Scandinavian music on Sunday, November 13, at 2:30 PM, in the Old Avoca, Nebraska Schoolhouse. Greenblatt & Seay and Friends will be playing a variety of instruments, including fiddle, guitar, hammered dulcimer, recorders, pennywhistles, and the nyckelharpa. The nyckelharpa is the official keyed fiddle of Sweden, and has 16 strings.
Greenblatt & Seay have been playing and singing together since the night they met, decades ago. Their performance on November 13 will include the championship fiddling styles of Deborah Greenblatt, and the fancy whistle-playing of David Seay.
The concert will be downstairs in the 1925 brick schoolhouse, and followed by light refreshments, and a chance to chat and even jam with the performers. Avoca is in southern Cass County, Nebraska, on the 13 C Spur, one mile south of Highway 34.
Admission is $10.00 for adults, $5.00 for students and senior citizens, and $1.00 for children. Seating is limited.For more information, write to Greenblatt & Seay, The Old Schoolhouse, P.O. Box 671, Avoca, Nebraska, 68307, or call 402-275-3221, or e-mail them at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The historic Old Avoca Schoolhouse has been the home of the Schoolhouse Performance Series since 1990. Music lessons, workshops, fiddle camps, and field trips are offered by Schoolhouse residents, Greenblatt & Seay, and are available by appointment.